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The principle of electrolysis

Addtime:2022-05-23 Views: Go back to the last page

Electrolysis: The process of passing an electric current through an electrolyte solution to cause redox reactions at the anode and cathode.

Electrolytic cell: A device that converts electrical energy into chemical energy, also called an electrolytic cell.

Electrode name

Anode: The electrode connected to the positive electrode of the power supply (or the electrode in which the anions in the solution tend to be)

Cathode: The electrode connected to the negative electrode of the power supply (or the electrode in which the cations in the solution tend to be)

electrode reaction

Anode: Oxidation Reaction

Cathode: reduction reaction

Electrolysis process

The anions and cations generated by the ionization of the electrolyte move directionally under the action of the current. The cations gain electrons at the cathode, and a reduction reaction occurs. The anions lose electrons at the anode, and an oxidation reaction occurs. Back to the positive pole of the power supply, so the conduction process of the electrolyte solution is the electrolysis process of the solution.